Categories: Frozen Items
Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2015-08-10 11:30:39Z |  |

General information

A nutritionally balanced blend of the finest ingredients, ideal the community Tanganyika Cichlid tank.

This improved formula contains a variety of nutritious and fresh ingredients; artemia, spinach, cyclops, mysis, daphnia, chopped mussels and spirulina.
Produced with pure and fresh ingredients, without the use of excess water.
The animals are caught alive and flash frozen at very low temperatures (-60°C), while using liquid nitrogen to ensure a fast freezing process and to avoid water pollution and nutrients leaching into the aquarium water.

Artemia, spinach, cyclops, mysis, daphnia, chopped mussels and spirulina.

Packaging details

1500022, Tanganyika Mix, blister of 100gr

Did you know?

Tanganyika cichlids are unable to digest hemaglobine.